Thank you all for supporting our soft launch on April 16th! We planned for 25 guests in order to be true to Covid-19 regulations and our capacity-building initiative targeting our neighbors who are most adversely impacted when decisions about capital development projects are made without our input. We engaged 111 (seems to be our magic number for starters *slight flex*) guests and lit up the corner of E. Lakewood and Fayetteville Street like a Christmas Tree!
Special Thanks to bandleader, Sam King, sound engineer Marvin Thorpe, and Food Truck operator, Mozzie's Smoked Meats.
Our next Third Friday event will take place on May 21st, followed by a special Juneteenth Third Friday event on June 18th. Come On! Our neighbors have expressed the need for Childcare, equitable opportunity to become Vendors, and community service credit for Volunteers -- now, we've got Sign Up sheets for all of that!